Source: DGUV / Atelier Hauer+Dörfler
The trend portal in the Risk Observatory contains descriptions of 39 trends. They correspond to the top trends from current surveys by the Risk Observatory:
A |
Alternative fuels (in progress) |
Artificial intelligence (AI) |
B |
Big data (in progress) |
C |
Changing world order and international relations (in progress) |
Climate change |
Cloud computing (in progress) |
Cybercrime |
D |
Demographic change |
Digital models for visualization (e.g. simulations, digital twins, 3D models) (in progress) |
Driver assistance systems (in progress) |
E |
Energy efficiency |
Expansion of renewable energies |
Expansion of the communications network (5G, 6G) (in progress) |
G |
Globale migration (in progress) |
I |
Insecurity of supply (in progress) |
L |
Lightweight construction (in progress) |
Logistics and delivery services (in progress) |
M |
Modernization, renovation, maintenance and refurbishment backlogs |
Modified or innovative means of transport, including autonomous transport (in progress) |
Monopolization (in progress) |
N |
National self-interest and protectionism in Europe (in progress) |
Natural disasters and extreme weather phenomena |
Networked mobility (in progress) |
New battery types (rechargeable and non-rechargeable) (in progress) |
New office concepts (in progress) |
New pharmaceuticals, vaccines and therapies (in progress) |
P |
Physical inactivity |
Platform economy (in progress) |
R |
Recycling and the circular economy |
Robotization (in progress) |
S |
Self-optimization (in progress) |
Sensors and (ultra-sensitive) detectors (in progress) |
Shortage of labour and skilled workers |
Sustainability (in progress) |
Sustainable mobility |