Occupational diseases (ODs)

  • In the area of responsibility of the accident insurance institutions within the industrial and public sectors and of pupil accident insurance institutions, the number of notifications of suspected cases of occupational disease decreased in 2023 by 60.7 % in relation to the previous year to 145,359. Each reported suspected case triggers an investigation.
  • An occupational disease was formally recognized in 72,630 of these cases (- 63.6 %). In 77,086 cases (- 39.2 %), the suspicion of an occupational disease was not confirmed, either because no corresponding hazard could be found at the workplace, or because no relationship was identified between such exposure and the disease. In addition, 4,800 pensions were awarded (- 1.9 %). In a further 17,774 cases, a measure pursuant to § 3 BKV was granted for the first time.
  • 2,140 fatalities caused by occupational disease were recorded in the reporting year. The majority of these were attributable to inorganic dusts, particularly asbestos.
2022 2023 Change in %
Notifications of suspected cases 370,141 145,359 - 60.73
Recognized cases of OD 199,542 72,630 - 63.60
New pensions 4,893 4,800 - 1.90
Occupational causation not confirmed 126,748 77,086 - 39.18
Fatalities due to OD 2,148 2,140 - 0.37
Cases in which a measure pursuant to § 3 BKV is granted for the first time 22,516 17,774 - 21.06


