Source: © Stefan Yang,
The statutory accident insurance system is characterized in particular by the fact that the following are delivered from a single source:
The benefit of this approach lies in the incentive for preventive activity. Where a company actively pursues occupational safety and health, it may be rewarded by a reduction in premiums. Occupational safety and preventive health care benefit both employers and their workforce: the number of hours lost due to sickness and accidents falls, as do the social charges, and motivation rises. Where companies make an effort to foster a healthy working environment, their employees feel well cared for. Conversely, companies with particularly high accident rates must anticipate a surcharge on their premiums.
In the event of a commuting accident, school accident, accident at work or recognized occupational disease, the insurance institution assumes the costs of acute care and, if necessary, also for rehabilitation, compensation or pensions. The concept of prevention also applies here. Use is made of the most comprehensive and effective therapeutic treatment and rehabilitation possible, in order to prevent permanent damage to health and thus to minimize the pensions burden.
Rehabilitation is not limited to the medical aspect. Following severe injuries, the responsible insurance institution uses all available means to return the accident victim to working life.