On-site and online, 52 safety managers from 26 companies participated in the training.
Source: DGUV
On 23 and 24 September, the Chinese Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM), in cooperation with the DGUV, held a workshop in Ningbo, China, to launch data collection in accordance with the new Chinese methodology for recording occupational accidents in 26 companies from five industries, which was jointly developed on the basis of the European ESAW methodology.
The Deputy Director General of the MEM, Zheng Shuangzhou, and the Vice President of the Information Institute of the MEM, Liu Wenge, opened the workshop by informing the participating company representatives and local government officials about the objectives of this data collection project. The data collected and analysed within this EU-funded project will assist the government in designing targeted prevention measures in the future. After the opening, the event continued with technical trainings as well as a prevention training organised by the DGUV. At the end, the participants' knowledge was tested in a test and feedback was obtained.
The second day of the launch event consisted of visits by a delegation of IIEM officials and DGUV project staff of two participating companies, where the new data collection techniques learned in the previous day's training were tested on several previously occurred accidents.
With this contribution to the project, the DGUV laid another stone in the foundation of occupational safety cooperation between Europe and China. Improved prevention measures in China benefit European companies both in their competitiveness and in relation to the issue of sustainable supply chains.