• Climate change affects safety and health at work

Climate Change and Occupational Allergies

Climate change has a major impact on human health, affects all areas of human society and does not stop at health and safety at the workplace. Allergic diseases, which have now reached epidemic dimensions, are triggered by environmental factors. The monitoring of newly occurring sensitization is an important tool for recognizing allergic diseases as early as possible. Through early detection, measures can be taken to prevent the development and/or aggravation of symptoms. Sensitization monitoring is useful for the adequate prevention of exposed employees against new inhalation allergens.

Advising the UVTs and producing customized diagnostics for allergic diseases that occur due to changes in environmental, working and production conditions and new thus represent new occupationally relevant allergen sources.

Study design
Development of customized tools for the detection of IgE- and IgG-mediated allergic diseases as a result of new allergen sources that arise at different workplaces or are introduced into the work process through expansion of the product range.



Project coordination
Prof. Dr. M. Raulf

Project management
Dr. S. Kespohl

Further Information


Raulf M. Klimawandel und Typ-I-Allergien im Beruf. Dermatologie 2024; 75: 112-117 DOI: 10.1007/s00105-023-05271-x

Bergmann KC, Brehler R, Endler C, Höflich C, Kespohl S, Plaza M, Raulf M, Standl M et al. Impact of climate change on allergic diseases in Germany. J Health Monit 2023; 8: 76-102 DOI: 10.25646/11654

Kespohl S, Riebesehl J, Grüner J, Raulf M. Impact of climate change on wood and woodworkers—Cryptostroma corticale (sooty bark disease): A risk factor for trees and exposed employees. Front Pubkic Health 2022; 10: 97386 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.973686