• Doctors in discussion.

Doctoral theses (Dr. med.)

Doctoral theses (Dr. med.) can be carried out as part of various research projects at the IPA. The spectrum of research activities encompasses a range of methodologies, including laboratory work (e.g., cell culture, analytics), statistical data analysis, and clinical studies conducted in our outpatient clinic, exposure laboratory, or field studies.

An overview of the orientation of the departments and research priorities can be found here.

An overview of the orientation of the departments and research priorities can be found here.

We provide comprehensive support, training and guidance throughout the doctoral thesis process, as well as the opportunity to present your own projects at congresses and events, for example, e.g. during joint visits to symposia. Doctoral students are integrated into the working groups and networked within the team and with each other.

Depending on the project, work is possible while studying, remotely or during a semester off.

Interested? Please send an email with a short introduction of yourself and your ideas for the doctorate to . She will reply as soon as possible.


Prof. Dr. Julia Krabbe, MD
Tel. 030 13001 4110