Risk assessment

The German Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) obliges all employers to assess risks to employees in the workplace. The results of that assessment provide a basis for the determination of required occupational safety and health (OSH) measures. Though ArbSchG does not stipulate how employers are to carry out their assessment, labour inspectors from the German social accident insurance institutions are available to guide employers through the risk assessment process.

The integration of risk assessment into company organization activity contributes to both process optimization and employee motivation.


Wolfgang Beck
Abteilung Sicherheit und Gesundheit (SiGe)
Betriebliche Arbeitsschutzorganisation
Tel: +49 30 13001-4504

Technical factors:
Dr. Roger Stamm
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA)
Information technology, risk management
Tel.: +49 30 13001-3100