Source: DGUV
Together with the ILO, DGUV has agreed to strengthen the joint cooperation, particularly in the Vision Zero Fund projects. The fund was initiated 2015 by the G7 countries under the German presidency and is managed by the ILO. The donor countries including Germany, France, Japan, Sweden or the United States of America support initiatives to improve the working conditions in developing countries along global supply chains, particularly in the textile and agricultural industries. The DGUV has already contributed expertise to the implementation of occupational health and safety measures in Myanmar under the Vision Zero Fund. Joaquim Pintado Nunes, Chief of the Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch at the ILO, said during the signing ceremony that the cooperation between the DGUV and the ILO will make a real difference in the lives of the workers in countries supported by the Fund's projects. By improving working conditions, the DGUV helps to improve production conditions in the partner countries, thus enabling fair competition as well as fair labour conditions.