Testing and certification of personal protective equipment

Fields of competence of IFA as a notified body

The Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA, Institute for occupational safety and health of the German Social Accident Insurance) was the first body in the Federal Republic of Germany to be accredited by the Central Office of Safety Technology of the Länder (ZLS) as a certification body and test laboratory in the framework of regulation 2016/425 and notified to the Commission of the European Union by the German government. IFA conducts its tests and issues certification in the framework of the test and certification system of the German Social Accident Insurance, DGUV Test.

IFA was accredited and notified as a certification body and test laboratory for the following types of PPE:

  • Respiratory protective devices
    without diving apparatus and supplied breathable gas devices
  • Hearing protection
  • Hand and arm protection
    providing protection against heat, cold, chemicals, biological agents, and mechanical risks
  • Head protection
    providing protection against heat, fire, and mechanical risks
  • Protective clothing
    providing protection against heat, cold, chemicals, mechanical and electrical risks;
    reflective and highly visible warning clothing;
    clothing for severe weather
  • Feet and leg protection
    providing protection against heat, cold, chemicals, biological agents, and mechanical risks


Dr Peter Paszkiewicz

Work Systems of the Future

Tel: +49 30 13001-3600
Fax: +49 30 13001-38001