A complete GENESIS-UV unit (left) and details of the content (right). These resources are available to all participating test subjects for the purpose of autonomous measurement.
Source: IFA
The case housing the GENESIS-UV measurement system contains all the items required for completion of measurement. The heart of the unit is the electronic data logger/dosimeter, which is strapped to the test subject's left upper arm. The tablet PC is used to read the data out of the dosimeter, to relay them to the web server and to document the tasks in a diary. The tablet PC can also be used for private purposes for the duration of the measurement campaign.
In Germany, some 2 to 3 million workers are believed to spend over 75% of their working hours outdoors (Europe: 14.5 million). This proportion of their working hours is an arbitrary threshold, however, since considerable exposure may occur even within a short space of time. The task profile is particularly important in this context. The task profile describes what tasks and periods of time spent outdoors or in a vehicle contribute to exposure, and their relevance to the risk assessment. The task profile also enables the average time spent working outdoors to be estimated.
During the DGUV measurement campaigns employing GENESIS-UV, detailed exposure data are collected for the most diverse of outdoor tasks, and analysed. Since 2014, 800 workers in a number of professions have worn dosimeters on the upper arm each year from the beginning of April to the end of October in order to measure the radiation. As a result, over 3 billion valid data records have been produced to date, equating to well over 80,000 days of measurement.
The measurements will continue this year and in the years to come.
Further information can be found in two brochures:
GENESIS-UV measurement system (PDF, 2.1 MB, non-accessible)
Measurement campaign for skin cancer caused by UV radiation (PDF, 1.2 MB, non-accessible)
Which of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions have participated or are participating in the measurements with contingents of test subjects?