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The ten occupations with the highest annual exposure values
Source: IFA

Since 2014, approximately 969 workers have taken part in the measurements involving GENESIS-UV. As a result, over 3 billion valid data records have been produced to date, equating to well over 80,000 days of measurement. Almost 100 different occupations/sub-task groups have been studied. The results from the years 2014 to 2019 have been summarized in IFA Report 4/2020 (in German).

Consideration of the ten occupations with the highest radiation exposure reveals that many are found in the construction sector, but some also in the raw materials extraction and agricultural sectors. A common outcome of all analyses is however that the task profiles describing the professions are the decisive factor.

In turn, the results for the evaluated professions and activities can be exported as web pages:

Retrieve evaluations

What however is the situation in the individual vocational sectors? Graphs for the evaluation period 2014 until today can be downloaded here:

Agricultural sector (JPG, 689 kB)

Construction sector (JPG, 923 kB)

Raw materials extraction (JPG, 312 kB)

Services (JPG, 638 kB)

Transport (JPG, 425 kB)

Other tasks (JPG, 172 kB)

Results database

Retrieve evaluations (in German)


Claudine Strehl, M. Sc.

Ergonomics, Physical environmental factors

Tel: +49 30 13001-3470
Fax: +49 30 13001-38001