Vents in the ceiling
Source: IFA
The air quality at indoor workplaces is influenced among other things by the ventilation. Distinction is drawn essentially between two types of ventilation:
Air-conditioning systems are mechanical ventilation systems in which the air can also be humidified and/or dehumidified, cooled and/or heated. Ventilation and air conditioning systems (VAC) are designed to keep purity, temperature, humidity, etc. of the air constant within certain ranges.
Well-planned and regularly serviced VACs have a positive effect on indoor climate and the concentration levels of indoor air pollutants. By contrast, VACs that are poorly planned or serviced can generate complaints about the indoor climate as well as result in unwanted indoor odours. When filters, heaters, coolers or humidifiers are not serviced or designed in line with hygiene standards, biopollution can occur.
Experts should be involved in the assessment and evaluation of HVAC systems (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems).
IFA3125 "Areas of application and limitations of fabric air distribution systems"
Hazardous substances: handling, protective measures
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