completed 12/1996
Prevention of work-induced damage of spine
Analysis of muscle activities of the spine during lifting and carrying loads
Normally asymmetric activation of the lumbar back muscle system (see also project 18#032); pronounced inter-individual differences in activation patterns, high intra-individual pattern stability also following short relaxation exercises/breaks; signs of fatigue already appear after relatively short work periods (15 mins)
Referat auf "Prävention von berufs-/arbeitsbedingten Gesundheitsstörungen und Erkrankungen - 3. Erfurter Tage" 12/96
food industry
Type of hazard:design of work and technology
Catchwords:Bildschirmarbeit, gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und Störungen
Description, key words:Function of the lumbar back muscle system at the computer screen workplace