completed 12/1996
Analysis of different seating postures by means of EMG- topography
Predominantly asymmetric activation of the lumbar back muscle system without correlation with the centre of gravity location calculated from the area pressure distribution when seated; high degree of stability of the individual activating patterns; sideways shifting of working centres of gravity during active seating; muscular fatigue could not be established either during active or static seating
Referat auf "Prävention von berufs-/arbeitsbedingten Gesundheitsstörungen und Erkrankungen - 2. Erfurter Tage" 12/95
food industry
Type of hazard:design of work and technology
Catchwords:Bildschirmarbeit, Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und Störungen
Description, key words:Analysis of trunk muscle activity when seated in front of a screen