Trialling of access to a virtual cavern on a river lock for the performance of maintenance work
Source: IFA
The project IFA5135, the purpose of which is to improve safety and health in river lock standards, is being conducted primarily in SUTAVE Laboratory. This provides anyone performing a risk assessment, hazard assessment and assessments in accordance with the German Ordinance on construction sites with a view of work processes on locks. For particular work processes such as maintenance work on the seals of the lock gates, SUTAVE Laboratory is supplemented by Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) or VR goggles. This enables a wide range of a person's working movements to be displayed and potential danger points to be checked at close range and in detail. Movement processes can be observed from all angles, and the various procedures referred to above improved by trial tasks in the virtual environment.
Presentation in the video: access to and evaluation of a modified design solution