Proficiency testing scheme for aldehydes

Test gas stream

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At the new test gas stream of the IFA
Source: IFA

The proficiency testing (PT) scheme is offered alternatively with and without own sampling. Participants may choose whether they wish to perform sampling for aldehydes themselves, or to have the sample carriers supplied to them [1].

Three test gas mixtures with different individual substance concentrations are offered. A test gas mixture consists of three to four aldehydes. The following aldehydes are used: formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde and butyraldehyde. The concentration for formaldehyde will lie in the range between 0.03 and 1 mg/m³, for acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde and butyraldehyde in the range between 0.1 and 3 mg/m³ each.

Analysis should be conducted by HPLC according to IFA Folder No. 6045 [2] or DIN ISO 16000-3 [3] respectively.

1 Proficiency testing scheme with own sampling

A large-scale dynamic test gas stream can be found at the IFA. It is suitable for parallel sampling by up to 25 participants.

  • When:
    1st date for the PT: 11/12th November 2025
    2nd date for the PT: 12/13th November 2025
  • Where:
    Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA)
    Alte Heerstr. 111
    53757 Sankt Augustin
  • Concentration range:
    The concentration for formaldehyde will lie in the range between 0.03 and 1 mg/m³, for acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde and butyraldehyde in the range between 0.1 and 3 mg/m³ each.
  • Number of test series: 3
  • Duration per test series: 2 hours plus preparation time and run-in period.
  • Accommodations: Hotels in Sankt Augustin (PDF, 45 kB, non-accessible)

The registration for the PT schemes with own sampling is valid for only one person per participating company or institution. If you would like to participate with more than one person, please contact us in advance.

Participants will receive detailed information on the PT scheme, a description of the apparatus, and the connections for the sampling devices in particular, in good time.

2 Proficiency testing scheme without own sampling

Loading of the sample carriers for aldehydes is conducted at the dynamic test gas stream of the IFA.

The participants can choose between two different sample carriers:

  1. Waters Sep-Pak DNPH-Cartridge (Prod. No. WAT047205) or
  2. Supelco LPDNPH S10 Cartridge (Prod. No. 21014).

Each participant receives a sample kit comprising:

  • Three loaded sample carriers, and
  • Two unloaded sample carriers for blank value adjustment.



[1] Ringversuch Aldehyde (Kennzahl 1630-5) In: IFA-Arbeitsmappe Messung von Gefahrstoffen. Lieferung: 02/2022

[2] Aldehyde (Kennzahl 6045). In: IFA-Arbeitsmappe Messung von Gefahrstoffen. Lieferung: 43/2009

[3] DIN ISO 16000-3: Indoor air - Part 3: Determination of formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds in indoor air and test chamber air - Active sampling method (ISO 16000-3:2023-12); Beuth, Berlin 2023


Department Chemical and Biological Hazards

Krista Gusbeth
Franziska Nürnberger
Ronja Schneck