How to register a new business with the German Social Accident Insurance

An entrepreneur founding a new business in Germany must register it within one week with the responsible Social Accident Insurance Institution. Under German law, the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for the industrial sector are responsible for all businesses, public facilities and members of the liberal professions, except where they fall within the responsibility of the respective accident insurance institutions for the agricultural or public sectors. One of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for the industrial sector will therefore generally be responsible for a new business.

A form which you can use to register your business easily is available here (PDF, 95 kB, non-accessible) . Please return this form to the German Social Accident Insurance Institution responsible for the sector which covers the main activity of your business. The German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for the industrial sector are organized on sectoral lines.

Important: only one Social Accident Insurance Institution is ever responsible for a business, even where the business is made up of several different parts. If you are unsure which Social Accident Insurance Institution is responsible for you, please either contact one of the institutions directly, or enquire us by , in order to obtain further information.

Entrepreneurs and members of the liberal professions are not generally automatically insured personally under German law or the charter of the Social Accident Insurance Institutions; entrepreneurs can however insure themselves voluntarily with their Social Accident Insurance Institutions against the consequences of occupational and commuting accidents. Please contact your Social Accident Insurance Institution for details.