completed 02/2021
In the course of prevention activity, evaluation studies are conducted in order to determine whether intervention measures are able to improve occupational safety and health in companies. Growing numbers of companies are committing themselves to a long-term zero accident vision (ZAV), in order to eliminate all serious accidents. By means of measures such as circulars, information events, training, changes to working methods and the use of other tools, the companies aim to promote and implement a ZAV.
On behalf of the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI), the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) is conducting an evaluation study into the effects of in-company personnel training measures upon the successful implementation of a ZAV.
The PEROSH-ZAV questionnaire was developed in a joint European project (DGUV FF-0352). Its purpose was to record ZAV activity in companies. This questionnaire has now been developed further by the IFA in the form of a German version for internet surveys with evaluation routines and documentation. The employees in a company first completed the Internet version of the PEROSH-ZAV questionnaire in a closed IFA survey. They then participated in company-internal measures to promote a ZAV. After completion of these measures, a survey was again conducted with the PEROSH-ZAV questionnaire.
Both surveys were evaluated and reported back to the company with a report. Besides comparisons with other ZAV studies, relationships with the "Nordic Occupational Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50)" were studied jointly with the National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA, DK).
The PEROSH-ZAV questionnaire (in German) can be implemented by the IFA in the form an online survey, and the results of surveys in companies evaluated and documented. Before-and-after surveys were conducted in conjunction with in-house training and campaigns in a company for promotion of a ZAV. Restructuring measures in the company and the onset of the pandemic occurred between the two surveys, however. According to assessments by the company management, the safety climate in accordance with the NOSACQ-50 questionnaire improved over this period. In contrast, the company's workers rated the safety climate somewhat lower, but still above average. All questionnaire respondents rated the ZAV in the company positively, and the results for individual dimensions of a ZAV were also in the top third. Besides the two evaluations, guidance on future measures for improving a ZAV were shared in a report. Despite the restructuring measures and working conditions during the pandemic, the company maintained the ZAV at a relatively high level.
This online survey identifies the ZAV's magnitude and also the changes in it following implementation of measures in companies and organizations. Following consultation with the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions, the IFA supports this online survey with evaluations and reports in interested companies and organizations.
chemical industry
Type of hazard:design of work and technology, muliple exposures multiple strain, mental stress factors
Catchwords:evaluation, accident prevention, man-machine interface
Description, key words:Zero Accident Vision (ZAV), internet survey, questionnaire, evaluation, intervention, measures