completed 11/1998
When cereal flour and cereal flour products are processed in bakeries, flour dust can enter the air breathed by employees and lead to the atmospheric limit values for flour dust being exceeded. BG/BIA recommendations for flour dust in bakeries are intended to describe safe working conditions for the affected workplaces and to provide practical instructions for workplace monitoring in accordance with § 18 of the Gefahrstoffverordnung (German Hazardous Chemicals Ordinance).
Exposure measurements were performed by the institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention in the foodstuffs industry and the catering trade at workplaces in bakeries, and evaluated with regard to criteria for safe handling of the products.
The BG/BIA recommendations "Flour dust in bakeries" describe a range of technical and organizational conditions for safe working during the processing of cereal flour and cereal flour products in bakeries. If these "basic measures" are adhered to, exposure measurements for the monitoring of working areas are not required. The basic measures essentially include working practices for the avoidance of dust, and extraction equipment
Further informations:
Type of hazard:Gefahrstoffe, arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren
Catchwords:Allergisierende Stoffe, Exposition, Arbeitsumwelt (Belastungen, Gefährdungen, Expositionen, Risiken)
Description, key words:flour dust, bakeries, basic measures, exposure measurements