completed 12/2002
In 2000, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work published a pilot study entitled "The State of Occupational Safety and Health at Work in the Member States of the European Union". The study was based primarily upon a Europe-wide questionnaire performed by the Dublin Foundation, and upon analyses by experts. The chief problem is the comparability of the data, which are gathered independently by the EU Member States and consequently cannot be exploited intelligently at the present time for Europe-wide reporting. The objective of the present project commissioned by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work was the analysis of existing systems for the monitoring of occupational health and safety in the Member States. The anticipated results of the project were intended to assist further development of the Agency's reporting activities.
Some 20 national monitoring systems employed by the institutions involved were first analysed. The background, objectives and function of the individual systems, the procedures upon which they are based, experience gained with the individual systems and impressions of them, the effectiveness and the facilities for further development were described, as is the scope for transfer of national systems to other countries. Based upon the results of this analysis, the individual systems were compared, strengths and weaknesses of the various systems identified, and the results compiled in a report. Preliminary proposals for further development of the Agency's reporting activities were also developed. The analysis results and proposals for European solutions were discussed in a workshop.
Based upon groundwork completed by its partners in the project, TNO-Arbeid has produced a report on OSH monitoring systems in Europe. The German government's accident prevention report and the MEGA exposure database maintained by the BGs, the German institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention, at the BG Institute for occupational Safety and Health (BIA), were included in the report. Recommendations are made for a Europe-wide system and for a representative, uniform method of monitoring. The existing systems each meet particular needs and will not become superfluous. They also deliver additional information for more detailed interpretations and for specific conclusions in European reporting on health and safety at work.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards
Catchwords:Arbeitsumwelt (Belastungen, Gefährdungen, Expositionen, Risiken), Informationssystem, Prävention
Description, key words:Europe, monitoring systems, occupational safety, occupational health, working-conditions, inventory, indicators