completed 12/2001
Aim of this project was the development of standardized methods to determine the most important latex allergens in diagnostics, products of latex and in dust samples of work places.
Determination of latex specific IgE; cloning and expression of recombinant allergens as fusionproteins with maltosebinding protein or with histidin-tag, purification of recombinant proteins due to affinity chromatography. Enrichment of monoclonal antibodies by in vitro production in a modular minifermenter and affinity purification, optimizing of two sided immunoassays for quantification of Hev b 1 and Hev b 6.01, inhibition test to quantify total latex allergen content, quantification of Hev b 5 by using inhibition assay with Hev b 5-specific IgE containing patients sera.
Nine clones of latex allergens are available at the BGFA: rHev b 1, rHev b 2, rHev b 3, rHev b 5, rHev b 6.01, rHev b 6.02, rHev b 6.03, rHev b 8, rHev b 10. Methods for determination of three of them (Hev b 1, Hev b 6.01 and Hev b 5) are available so far. More than 80% of tested latex sera of health care workers reacted to rHev b 5. In collaboration with industry latex-specific IgE-tests (CAP) were improved by addition of rHev b 5.
Baur, X.; Chen, Z.: Summary of appropriate measures to prevent natural rubber latex allergy. Allergologie International 48 (1999), S. 31-36
Chardin, H.; Chen, Z.; Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Mayer, C.; Senechal, H.; Desvaux, F.X. ; Peltre, G.: Identification of Hev b1 in natural latex mattresses. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 121 (2000), S. 211-214
Chardin, H.; Chen, Z.; Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Mayer, C.; Senechal, H.; Desvaux, F.X.; Peltre, G.: Detection and 2D gel characterization of two major latex allergens in various latex extracts. Allergy 54 (2001), S. 127-128
Chen, Z.: Impact of isolated and recombinant allergens in diagnosis of latex allergy. In: Booklet Pharmacia Symposium 'Can tests with different allergen components provide new clinical information?'. Lisbon, Portugal 2000, S. 4-5
Chen, Z.; Baur, X.: Naturlatexallergengehalt in Gummiartikeln und in der Raumluft von Krankenhäusern und Arztpraxen. Allergologie 22 (1999), S. 598-605
Chen, Z.; Düser, M.; Flagge, A.; Maryska, S.; Sander, I.; Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Baur, X.: Identification and Characterization of Cross-Reactive Natural Rubber Latex and Ficus benjamina Allergens. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 123 (2000), S. 291-298
Chen, Z.; Rihs, H.P.; Slater, J.E.; Paupore, E.J.; Schneider, E.M.; Baur, X.: The absence of Hev b 5 in capture antigen may cause false-negative results in serologic assays for latex-specific IgE antibodies. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol.105 (2000), S. 838
Cremer, R.; Chen, Z.; Blaker, F.; Baur, X.: Pattern of IgE antibodies against latex allergens in children with spina bifida. Eur. J. Pediatr. Surg. 9 (Suppl 1) (1999), S. 49-50
Cremer, R.; Chen, Z.; Rihs, H.P.; Baur, X.: Naturlatexallergie: Von der Beschreibung des Phänomens zur Epitopanalyse. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 147 (1999), S. 544-551
Doekes, G.; van Niftrik, M.; Portengen, L.; Tomazic-Jezic, V.J. ; Chen, Z.; Nij, E.I.T.; de Wind, S.; Heederik, D.J.: Measurement of Latex Proteins in Low-Volume Airborne Samples and Glove Extracts with a Sandwich EIA Using Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Latex IgG. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 107 (2001), S. A438
Korn, M.; Chen, Z.; Sander, I. ; Maryska, S.; Raulf-Heimsoth, M.: Gepuderte Kofferdamgummis als Ursache fortgesetzter obstruktiver Ventilationsstörungen bei Zahnarzthelferinnen. Zbl. Arbeitsmed. 51 (2001), S. 181
Lundberg, M.; Chen, Z.; Rihs, H.P.; Wrangsjo, K.: Recombinant spiked allergen extract. Allergy 56 (2001), S. 794-795
Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Chen, Z.; Rihs, H.; Rozynek, P.: T- und B-Zellepitope im Latexallergen Hev b 6.01 (Prohevein). Allergol. J. 10 (2001), S. 25
Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Rihs, H.P.; Rozynek, P.; Baur, X.; Chen, Z.: Recombinant latex allergens rHev b 6. 01, rHev b 6.02, rHev b 6.03 induced different T cell reactivity. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 107 (2001), S. 381
Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Sander, I.; Chen, Z.; Borowitzki, G.; Diewald, K.; van Kampen, V.; Baur, X.: Development of a monoclonal antibody-based sandwich ELISA for detection of the latex allergen Hev b 1. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 123 (2000), S. 236-241
Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Sander, I.; Diewald, K.; Chen, Z.; Borowitzki, G.; van Kampen, V.; Baur, X.: Development of a monoclonal antibody based sandwich ELISA for the detection of the latex allergen Hev b1. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med. 159 (1999), S. A233
Rihs, H.P.; Chen, Z.; Rozynek, P.; Baur, X.; Lundberg, M.; Cremer, R.: PCR-based cloning, isolation, and IgE-binding properties of recombinant latex profilin (rHev b 8). Allergy 55 (2000), S. 712-717
Rihs, H.P.; Chen, Z.; Rozynek, P.; Cremer, R.: Allergenicity of rHev b 10 (manganese-superoxide dismutase). Allergy 56 (2001), S. 85-86
Rihs, H.P.; Chen, Z.; Schumacher, S.; Rozynek, P.; Cremer, R.; Lundberg, M.; Raulf-Heimsoth, M.; Petersen, A.; Baur, X.: Recombinant hev b 1: large-scale production and immunological characterization. Clin. Exp. Allergy 30 (2000), S. 1285-1292
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards
Catchwords:Prävention, Allergisierende Stoffe, Berufskrankheit
Description, key words:Allergies to latex proteins affect the skin as well as lower and upper airways. As most important allergens the allergens Hev b 1, Hev 6.01 and Hev b 5 were investigated. Measurement methods using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies or inhibition methods using patients IgE were developed.