completed 12/2009
In recent years, the social accident and health insurance institutions have increasingly conducted campaigns for the prevention of accidents and diseases. The campaigns involve a variety of measures, and differ in their results. Within the project, the experience gained with prevention campaigns was edited and compiled systematically in consideration of the diversity in the campaigns' objectives and scope. Answers were sought to the following questions: What effects (effectiveness, benefits, success factors, obstacles) have prevention campaigns had to date? How effective are the various measures?
For this purpose in step one, the literature and information available on the Internet was to be evaluated systematically (compilation of the scientific evidence). In step two, the publicity officers and prevention managers of the social accident insurance institutions and their opposite numbers at the health insurance institutions were to be consulted regarding their experience. In step three, further institutions (ministries, the DVR (German Road Safety Council), ADAC (motorists' association), BzgA (German Federal Centre for Health Education), etc.) were to be consulted in the occupational safety and health context. If appropriate, a moderated pooling by interested institutions of their experience with campaigns could be conducted in step four.
Whole judgement of campaigns: 90% of the interviewees are of the opinion that campaigns are "very sensible" means in the prevention (5-stage scale). Identified success factors of campaigns: 1. good cooperations and strong proengines; cooperation networks are of use 2. Define target group carefully; direct address and intensive integration of the target group 3. Diversity of the measures with application possibility 4. clear installation and high engagement of the actors; motivation of the actors maintain 5. Support by a roof campaign with complicated campaigns
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:-various
Catchwords:indicators of success, evaluation, communication/information/campaigns
Description, key words:Prevention campaign, effectiveness, evaluation