completed 12/1997
The specific strains of construction work e.g. hard physical labour under the influence of the weather with deadline and time pressure and incomplete information regarding the carrying out of set tasks are indisputable. Existing investigations and questioning point to the fact that the working conditions described result in physical and psychological risks to health as well as a rather negative image of the construction industry. Goal: improvement of working conditions in the construction industry in which the knowledge of the workforce relative to work protection and work structuring is activated in new forms of collaboration and solutions to problems are developed and tested. In order to ensure the acceptance and future transfer of this new concept into the building industry the economic advantages in the model firms should be demonstrated.
Involvement of selected model firms in the new federal Länder which initially pass through the questionnaire campaign of the first phase of the project before entering the next phase. Suggested solutions to reduce serious internal weak points will be developed in work project teams and then tested in practice. In order to prove the economic advantages further profitability calculations and efficiency analysis will be carried out.
Successful forms of organisation and co-operation
construction industry
Type of hazard:work organization/safety and health management
Catchwords:Beteiligung, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Arbeitsschutz, Gefährdungsbeurteilung
Description, key words:Model project analysis of weak points and elaboration of solutions in a team