completed 03/1996
High frequency of accidents in the construction industry. Goal: checking the correlation between the number of accidents/occupational incapacity pension payments and age; determining trends from 1988 to 1992; determining the occupations within the construction industry with the highest accident risk
Secondary analysis of individual data; retrospective descriptive cohort study, determining the incidences of occupational incapacity and occupational incapacity pensions in the whole of the (former) FRG 1988-1992
The incidence rates of age-specific work accidents requiring notification decrease with increasing age; age-specific incidence rates of new occupational incapacity pensions increase with increasing age; joiners, bricklayers and construction workers have significantly higher relative age-standardised incidence rates than the total of those occupied in commerce.
Zschenderlein, B.: Der Einfluss des Alters auf das Unfallgeschehen in der Bauwirtschaft. Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin. Band 16. Heidelberg 1997
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:mechanical hazards
Catchwords:Epidemiologie, Arbeitnehmer, besondere Personengruppen
Description, key words:Comparison of age-specific accident frequency, parameters, comparison of activities