completed 06/1997
Lack of means for quantitative analysis of gases and vapours causing damage to health at workplaces in the rubber industry. Goal: development, testing, validation of a procedure for sampling and analysis of the main dangerous substances in the air at workplaces in the rubber industry
Systematic evaluation of experimental principles; evaluation of an analysis concept; testing under sub-industrial conditions; application in work areas
Efficient procedure consisting of stationary sampling and central analysis, validated for approximately 50 individual substances in laboratory tests as well as in field tests in the tyre industry and technical rubber product manufacturing; measured workplace concentrations of individual components from both the highly volatile and the chlorinated hydrocarbon substance groups, aldehydes and ketones, amines and amides as well as highly volatile sulphur compounds are, without exception, well below the current limit values.
Giese, U., et al.: Probenahme und Analytik von Emissionen in der Gummiindustrie - ein umfassendes Konzept. Gummi- Asbest-Kunststoffe 50 (1997) Nr. 7, S. 567-574
chemical industry
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:Messverfahren, chemische Arbeitsstoffe, Gefährdungsbeurteilung
Description, key words:Plastic and rubber products, dangerous substances in the air, measurement and analysis